Powerful add-ons for brewmaxx
Read more about the brewing-specific modules and add-ons, which can be combined with the brewmaxx process control system, on the following pages.
The brewmaxx add-ons
brewmaxx Messenger
Automatic alarm messages
brewmaxx Messenger is a remote messaging system for notifying responsible staff of critical alarms.
brewmaxx EnMs
Energy management system
brewmaxx EnMS is the energy management system from brewmaxx and can be integrated as a process control system add-on at any time.
brewmaxx LMS
Line management for filling and packaging lines
In contrast to traditional LMS solutions, brewmaxx LMS allows fast, simple and cost-effective implementation with reduced sensor technology, licensing and engineering requirements.
brewmaxx Visu-Recorder
Recording and output of process visualisations
brewmaxx Visu-Recorder is a special feature of the brewmaxx process control system. Previous process sequences can be retroactively monitored via the standard user interface of the control system with the aid of the optionally available add-on.
brewmaxx Equipment Modules
Brewery-specific cutting-edge technology
The brewmaxx Equipment Modules are context-specific applications and optionally available as an add-on for the brewmaxx process control system.
brewmaxx Maintenance
Compact maintenance management solution with a high level of individualisation
Efficient maintenance planning is essential to ensure and maintain maximum plant availability. Through its add-on brewmaxx Maintenance, ProLeiT offers a compact and parameterizable solution for evaluating and planning all maintenance activities.
brewmaxx Routing Management
Rule-based routing orders
The optionally available brewmaxx Routing Management helps to integrate rule-based routing orders with a dynamic route search and allocation into order processing.
brewmaxx Smart Operations
Mobile plant monitoring in real time
The brewmaxx Smart Operations for mobile end devices bring you closer to your machines, plants and automation processes. The applications therefore contribute significantly to greater efficiency and availability. Enjoy a substantial gain in mobility and flexibility when monitoring and controlling your plants in the future – locally, globally and holistically.
The brewmaxx Integrate add-ons
brewmaxx Workflow
Workflow Management System
brewmaxx Workflow is an efficient MES workflow management system specifically tailored to the production processes of breweries.
brewmaxx Batch Cockpit
The entry point to integrated batch analysis
The add-on brewmaxx Batch Cockpit from ProLeiT is a software solution for greater transparency and more effective plant utilisation in the process industry. The add-on is designed for evaluating, processing and validating production data.
Your contact for brewmaxx add-ons
Annika Bauer
Senior Offer Manager
E-mail: proleitsales.request@se.com