Combine the best - Plant iT modules
If required, the Plant iT modules can be combined with the base systems. This is possible at the start of engineering or at a later date. The individual modules have been developed for typical fields of application and complement the base System with additional technological functions. Examples of this are processrelated materials Management or integrated interfaces for connection to external enterprise resource planning systems, e.g. SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, etc.
The Plant iT modules
Plant iT connect
Interface Manager
Parameterisation instead of programming is the central principle of the entire Plant iT system platform.
Plant iT connect uses this principle to implement communication interfaces between a Plant iT system and external systems.
Plant iT material
The process-related materials management
One of the key instruments for the effective management of order and recipe-controlled production processes is a process-related materials management with a transaction-accurate online view of all material transactions.
Plant iT archive manager
Long-term archive solution
The Plant iT archive manager module offers a solution for archiving all transaction data recorded in the control system.
Plant iT web portal
Web reporting applications
The browser-based Plant iT web portal allows users to simply call up reports online via a PC, tablet and smartphone. It is not necessary to install third-party software, e.g. Java, Silverlight or Flash.
Your contact for Plant iT modules
Annika Bauer
Senior Offer Manager