brewmaxx Workflow
brewmaxx Workflow is an efficient MES workflow management system specifically tailored to the production processes of breweries. Automatic and manual processes can be controlled and monitored by the database-driven system. Order processing, quality assurance (e.g. sampling) and the support of logistics processes as well as the collection and provision of data which arises during production and in the production environment (e.g. auxiliary plants) are a few examples of this. This data is recorded to provide a basis for production-relevant reporting and a data source for higher-order systems.
The workflow management system can be used for the following MES areas:
- Warehouse and inventory management (e.g. product and material parameters, handling units, stock taking)
- Production management (e.g. recipe/BOM management, production logistics)
- Quality management (e.g. management of specification values)
- Maintenance and servicing (e.g. operating hour counter, machine maintenance, operating cycle counter)
brewmaxx Workflow offers numerous functions that can be used in the production plants. This includes, for instance:
- Received raw materials
- Order control
- Supply control
- Quality acquisition
- Packaging orders
- Energy management
- KPIs and OEE