Course #WEB-D1 / R - US – Plant iT / brewmaxx
Basic training incl. Sequences (SEQ)
Online registration:
Please select one of the available dates and click the red "Sign up now"-button next to it. You will be forwarded to the registration form. Should you have any questions regarding registration you can contact us: +49 9132 777 0.
Date | Language | Location | Status | Registration |
Legend: Booked upFew seats leftSeats available
Price per Person:
3.500,00 $
8 Sessions á 4 hrs.
Online access to training system for each participant via Remote VPN access
In-house or on-site trainings are available on request if In-classroom sessions under current safety and travel
regulations are possible.
Personnel required to independently parameterize, configure and operate plants.
- Basic PC Skills
- Basic PLC skills
- Basic Microsoft Office (Excel) skills
Skill achievements:
- Basic engineering skills
- Automation objects
- Visualization
- Creation of the physical plant structure
- Creation of data acquisition objects
- Trends
- Messages
- Values
- Engineering of “Liqu iT” functionalities
- Sequences
- Procedures and recipes
Technical requirements:
PC with 2 Full-HD Monitor, stable internet connection, headset (or equivalent audio device).