OMIRA Oberland-Milchverwertung Ravensburg GmbH, Germany
Automation solution and process data acquisition

OMIRA Oberland-Milchverwertung Ravensburg GmbH - one of the largest milk processing plants in Germany - now uses a ProLeiT process control system for operation and control of it's production plants.
The ProLeiT-System replaces the so far existing visualisation and uses the available automation structures as a basis.
At the same time a plant-wide process data acquisition system has been realized and extended to new areas.
The succeeding projects will be realized for the Bodensee-Albmilch GmbH in Rottweil and Neuburger Milchwerke. Here the existing automation will be changed to the Plant iT software familiy with SIMATIC S7 with integrated process data acquisiton.