Great Northern Brewery, Ireland

Great Northern Brewery, Irelandv

Guinness migrates its Dundalk brewery to brewmaxx 

Great Northern Brewery, the most traditional Guinness brewery in the Irish town of Dundalk, is now operated by a brewmaxx process control system designed by ProLeiT. Diageo, the owner of the brewery, has clearly defined the goals:

  • Ensuring the reliable, stable operation of the entire brewery from the brewhouse up to the Kegging plant,
  • reducing production costs and
  • Increasing the productivity.

The migration to brewmaxx was implemented in two project phases which clearly differentiate in regard to the approach and project manage-ment concept applied. The result has convinced Diageo. John Walsh, Project Manager in Dundalk, expressed his pleasure: „The brewmaxx system has proven to be the best solution for the Great Northern Brewery.“