Feldschlösschen Getränke AG, Switzerland
Automation of the complete beer production

The Feldschlösschen brewery in Switzerland, part of the Carlsberg group, has decided in favor of the integrated concept offered by brewmaxx for the automation of its complete beer production process.
In the filling area brewmaxx is used from the data acquisition up to the control of the filling lines.
In addition to the brewhouse, the complete cooling plant, the filtration, the bright beer tanks, the waste water unit as well as the complex production plant of the totally alcohol-free special beer brand Moussy have already been automated using brewmaxx.
A comprehensive reporting system (production reports) was set up for the fermenting cellar area. The project was implemented in cooperation with the company, Kundert Engineers, who, in addition to drawing up the complete procedure descriptions for the fermenting cellar automation, also installed a sugar dissolving plant.