Ligrana GmbH, Germany

Automation of a multimixer plant

Ligrana GmbH, Germany

The newly created multimixer plant for Ligrana GmbH in Eilsleben has been automated in a contract for the Union Agricole Holding AG.

he plant produces a wide range of acid-based preservatives, supplementary feeds and feed additive mixtures for agriculture. The project involved not only the automation of the production processes using Plant Batch iT V7.10 as basis, but also the complete logistics starting with the goods arrival and ending with the shipping. The coordination and execution of the logistical tasks (e.g. goods arrival, the administration of the pallet storage with fork lift control system, and the shipping) is performed by special software modules that were developed by ProLeiT to meet the requirements of the Schaumann Group. These modules are also being used by two other Schaumann factories. The particular strengths of the realized solution: flexible plant capacity (batches of not only one ton, but also 25 tons, are produced) and a complete traceability of the used materials without any gaps.