Plant Integrate iT – the plant-wide MES reporting and workflow management system
Numerous production plants are encountering innumerable problems due to the increasing density of information. Very often it is impossible to filter out relevant and "correct" information, which ultimately has a significant negative impact on efficiency and productivity. Monitoring, analysing and then reporting deviations to the right person at the right time and in the right context are indispensable criteria for successfully controlling production plants. Plant Integrate iT allows the “visualisation” of all production data. A key prerequisite for achieving this objective is integrated information management at MES level, which can be integrated and operated infinitely across process sequences and departments. Plant Integrate iT can be used to merge and evaluate the required data from individual production areas. Access to this central information platform via Internet Browser occurs using Microsoft standard software and therefore provides maximum flexibility and protection when realising company-wide MES reporting systems.
The perfect MES solution for every process
Plant Integrate iT gives you the choice of how closely you wish to connect our MES solution to your process control system. The flexibility of our system offers numerous application options:
In combination with external systems
Due to the vast number of predefined default interfaces, Plant Integrate iT can be simply integrated into existing external systems. Optionally, Plant Integrate iT can also be utilised with existing process control systems. You can always decide individually how closely our MES solution should be linked to your system and which information it should process. Our MES solution allows you to answer the following production questions in real time:
- What is available?
- When it is available?
- Why is it there?
- How did it get there?
In combination with our Plant iT process control system
When using Plant Integrate iT in combination with our process control system, additional functions are available. You not only receive fully prepared production data, but additionally have full control of all the processes.
Furthermore, all the interfaces to Plant iT are already available, making additional programming effort unnecessary. This enables the seamless and quick integration of your production plant. From the very beginning, you can access the central user interface from where all the functions and the entire production process are controlled.
Reporting and integration services
Plant Integrate iT uses, amongst others, the Microsoft Reporting Services and the data model in the MES database. This database has been specifically developed for the integration of data from several servers and various production systems and to ensure efficient data import and export. This means, for instance, that direct requests with Excel are supported and standardised routes are provided when reporting. Furthermore, several languages and change traceability are thus guaranteed. Project-specific requirements can be easily extended thanks to the MES database structure.
The implementation of an MES reporting system with Plant Integrate iT therefore has a high level of standardisation, which can be extended as necessary by individual requirements. Standard functions include, for example:
- Report Designer for end users
- Background printing and report subscriptions
- Pivot tables and presentation graphics
- Interactivity (sort, open/close or switch to a follow-up or detailed report)
Due to the wide distribution of the Microsoft Reporting Services, a wide range of literature, training courses and add-ons are available from other providers.
Integration services
Based on the Microsoft Integration Services, Plant Integrate iT offers numerous new functions. The graphical engineering of data flows and program logic is therefore possible. Various standard interfaces (e.g. SQL, OLAP, Mail, FTP, Excel, ASCII, XML) are additionally available. Plant Integrate iT supports the application of Integration Services due to:
- In-house developed components for interlinking SAP while retaining their configuration in the Configuration Manager
- In-house developed components to send telegrams to a PLC
- Logging and Audit-Trail of the transactions in the MES database web portal
- Location-independent real-time reports
- Can be called via web browser or mobile device
- Integration of all (subordinate) processes
- Flexible, configurable reporting
- Long-term archiving of production-relevant data
- Extensive functions for production-relevant investigations and analyses
- Integrated order management for subordinate and manual processes
- Can be used irrespective of the Plant iT process control system
- Based on standard software (Microsoft Integration Services (SSIS) and Microsoft Reporting Services (SSRS)
- Integrated Plant iT user management
- Beverage industry
- Brewing industry
- Food industry
- Baking industry
- Dairy industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Chemicals industry
- Reporting system not connected to the productive server
- Interactive analytics dashboards
- Investigations can be carried out independent of the productive system
- Consolidation of historic data of various Plant iT servers and external systems in a central database
- Storage of large data volumes for long-term investigations
- Workflow management
- Warehouse and inventory management
- Production management
- Quality management
- Functions for maintenance and servicing